We do painting football helmets for teams and individuals. Contact us 678-926-1601
We do painting football helmets for teams and individuals. Contact us 678-926-1601
Thank you for inquiring about SportzHelmetz!!! We created a Q&A of most asked questions. We hope it helps. This post will be updated weekly. Check back for updated questions.
Note: We have the right to refuse to provide any services to any consumer. If you paid and start being disrespectful to our staff. We will deny services with no refund. Then, your helmet will be returned undone.
Question: How long does it typically take for work to be done?
Answer: Our turnaround times have changed. It could take 14 business days. That is what we are telling everyone now. So, get your helmets in asap if you want them back for the season. We are a nationwide company. And, we have contracts with schools, associations, etc. And, we won't be taking last minute rushes. Sorry, thanks for understanding.
Question: Rush charge?
Answer: It's 25 dollars. It puts you in front the line with 7 business day turnaround minus weekends.
Question: Is all money due at once?
Answer: Yes!! Mail orders payments are due upon receipt of helmet in full. It will be billed through Paypal or cash app.
Question: Cost of service
Answer: See website. Note prices are subject to change.
Note: If your helmet will take us more time due to bad condition, it will be an extra charge.
Prices are firm. We have to consider the labor, time and supplies. And, we are a business. Thanks for your understanding. No service will be started without a payment. No checks accepted. Cash only /Cash App and you will receive a receipt. We guarantee all work. And, we don't paint over warranty stickers. And, we value our work.
Contact us today to book. Our calendar is filling up. If you want us to expedite your order due to late order. It will be an additional charge.
Question: What is the max helmets you are accepting at one time?
Answer: We can only accept 50 at one time to be fair to all customers. That number could change as we grow in staff and the market. Thanks for your understanding!! Team orders will take 6 to 8 weeks. If you don't have that time to wait. We understand. That's policy and the staff will no longer accept any orders if you need them sooner. Thanks for your understanding!!!
Question: Do you all do facemask?
Answer: We don't recommend doing it unless you are getting it painted the original color. Know that it will crack mid season. Our paint holds up pretty well on facemask as evidenced on returning customers. But, however we can do it for you at your request. Contact Green Gridiron for Facemask. Google them.
Question: What type of services do you provide?
Answer: We paint all types of helmets. We use the best paints. We do paint facemask. We can do custom helmets and collectible helmets. We can do mancave signs customized.
Question: Will all marks come off of helmet?
Answer: We will try to sand the helmet to remove the grooves, marks etc. But, if it is damage to the shell, a lot of times it can't be repaired. Then, we may recommend you to buy a new helmet, if not safe to use.
Question: Do we just send helmet as it is?
Answer: Yes, you can. We will dismantle it ourselves and put it back together. We ask you to keep your chin straps and mouthpiece. We also ask you to put name in helmet with tape. Do not write on your warning or warranty labels, etc.
Question: Can you all do speedflex helmets?
Answer: Yes, we can do any helmet. And, we use the quick release tool on those helmets to dismantle and put back together. Look at our site of some re-painted. Thanks
Question: Can we get a discount or is prices firm?
Answer: We give discounts for orders 20+ helmets. As far as prices they are firm. You are not going to find too many places to do this labor and purchase paint etc to do it lower than we do it. Most places charge $80-90 for these services. So, please don't low ball us. We do quality work. And no complaints from customers over the last 3 years.
Question: Do we just send helmet as it is?
Answer: Yes, you can. We will dismantle it ourselves and put it back together. We ask you to keep your chin straps not attached and mouthpiece. We also ask you to put name in helmet with tape. Do not write on your warning or warranty labels, etc.
Question: Are you all licensed by Manufacturers such as Riddell, Schutt to paint?
Answer: No one is licensed by them to do reconditioning. They are certified through a licensing board. And that is why we paint. We do the job requested of us to do. We do not paint over warranty stickers. And we use manufacturers preferred paints.
Question: What distinguishes you all from a regular recondition person?
Answer: They do certification stickers that is required for most high schoolers, college and NFL. And we don't we ship them to them for certification. We are in the process of getting that ability to do certification stickers. And they do testing on the helmet to make sure the shell and padding is safe, not the paint. We inspect the helmet to make sure you have all the screws and padding that should be attached to the helmet for safety. And, we paint it as you requested.
Question: Are helmets only supposed to be painted by Manufacturers?
Answer: No, people have been doing it since the beginning of time taking it to locals to paint. But, make sure you take it to someone who knows what they are doing. Is it preferred to go to Manufacturers? I would say yes. But, not required. And, a lot times folks bought their helmets used and don't have the original purchase receipts, etc. And, just want it painted, etc. by us to get it renewed again.
Question: Can I play on the field with a painted helmet?
Answer: Yes, you can. Players have been doing it since the beginning of time. And, like any helmet it can get dings in the shell.
Question: Can I get a refund?
Answer: No helmet is in our possession and took a spot.
Question: Why isn't an address listed on the website?
Answer: So, we can control the number of helmets we receive in the mail.
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